Celebration of Student Achievement
The Celebration of Student Achievement (CoSA) is an all-day campus-wide event which engages the entire Ursinus College community in the presentation, discussion, and celebration of all forms of intellectual and creative work done by our students at all levels of their college careers.
Submissions from 2021
The Real 1920s: How the Immigration Act of 1924 Empowered and Encouraged Organized Nationalism, Amanda Pawling
My Bonner Journey, Jadidsa Perez
23&Me: Using DNA to Determine Our Past and Our Future, Jordan Pick, Alex Benner, Karley DeSpirito, Makayla Heisler, Nicole Hope, Mariah Lesh, Trevor Mislan, Maddy Sorokanych, Payton Stanziani, and Steven Weissman
Analyzing Ex Vivo Skeletal Muscle Contractile Force Post Chemical Injury in Mus musculus, Julia Pierson and Emily Megill
Analyzing Microbial Functional Diversity Using Community Level Physiological Profiling, Julia Pierson and Prachi Patel
Alteration of Pain Protocol in Response to the Opioid Crisis, Dana Roby
Expression, Purification, and Characterization of Protein 4DIU, Dana Roby and Zofia Balcerek
Migrants, Citizens and Subjects: How People Moved and Became Citizens in the Roman World, David Rocha
Effect of Time Course Exposure to Neuroinflammatory Proteins on the Phagocytic Activity of Microglial Cells, Carly Rodriguez, Tatiana Swindell, and Joshua Belder
Global Jewish Migration: Organized Aid and Group Identity, Jacob Ross
How the Netflix Movie "Circle" Constructs Stereotypes, American Values and Identity Within American Society, Kathleen Saddler
Self-Concept and Identity During Young Adulthood, Gabrielle Salamone and Isabella DiGiorgio
Undoing the Unhinged Woman: An Examination of Contemporary Media Representation of Women and Ideology, Alyssa Scanlon
Tuning Photo-Sensitive Intramolecular Electron Transfers in Rhenium Coordination Compounds, Nicole Schmalbach
23&Me Direct-to-Consumer Kits Test for G6PD Deficiency, Nick Schnaars, Ava Compagnoni, Claire Vance, Mike Daddazio, Joey Mullen, Emily Selfridge, Ryan Schreffler, Andy Pham, and Shannon Blessing
Inclusive Community Fellowship Supporting the Ursinus LGBTQ+ Community, Domenick Scudera
Oxidative Stress is Not Increased in Male Mice Hearts Fed a High Saturated or High Unsaturated Fat Diet, Brooke Segich
Literature Review of Protein Pathways Related to the Maturation Promoting Factor in Caenorhabditis elegans, Leanna Simpson
The Business and the Science Behind 23andMe: Chronic Kidney Disease, Kaitlyn Smith, Brianna Valerio, Abigail Schwerdt, Prakash Sembhi, Jessica Rogers, Colin Holtzman, Kevin Devlin, Samantha Aguirre, and Braden Burns
The Ketogenic Diet and Motor Coordination, Ken Sprankle, Mya Knappenberger, and Kaylin Knapsack
My Bonner Journey, Aliyah Stephens
Can the Yeast Ribosome-Associated Complex Chaperones Zuo1 and Ssz1 be Functionally Replaced With Their Human Homologs Mpp11 and Hsp70L1?, Danielle Terrenzio, Amanda Marley, Seongchan Kim, and Nikole Fandino Pachon
UCIMCO Endowment Semi-Annual Presentation, Fasineh Turay, Zachary Crebbin, Stephen Schoenborn, Michael Magargee, Lucas Olshevski, Ian Vogt, George Psaradakis, Joseph Mercurio, Hakan Atillasoy, Michael Buck, Harry Riley, Matthew McMahon, Ben Sjosten, Theo Karas, Bruce Edwards, and Liam Close
How Does Advertising Handle Catastrophe? A Look into Advertising During the Covid-19 Pandemic, Claire Vance
Double Agent Sarah Sze, Mekha Varghese
Inequity in Montgomery County Public High Schools, Alex Wagoner and Carli Heimann
The Grass Isn’t Always Greener, James Walsh
How Your Spit Can Determine Your Genetic Risk to Parkinson’s Disease, Ryan Whittaker, Zoe Tesone, John Grandrimo, Benjamin Tobias, Destyn Snyder, Reese Goodlin, Prachi Patel, Blake Becker, Emma Reuter, Aidan O'Malley, and Michael Conforti
The Impact of Race and Ethnicity on COVID-19 Outcomes: Audio Commentary, Brytney Wornham
The Impact of Race and Ethnicity on COVID-19 Outcomes: Poster, Brytney Wornham
Synthesis and Assembly of Oligonucleotide-Stabilized Lipid Micelles, Jesse Wun, Zenya Yanoff, and Paige Bristow
Extraction of Cutin and Examination of Possible Breakdown to Monomer Units by Thermophilic Compost Enrichments, Samantha Zubler, Addisen Miller, and Samantha Beckman
Submissions from 2020
Chronic Irradiation of Human Cells Reduces Histone Levels and Deregulates Gene Expression: Review Presentation, Samuel Adeniyi
When Pigs Fly: A Study on the H1N1 Virus, Femi Adetola
Progress in the Rational Design of Photo-induced Electron Transfer (PeT)-Based Fluorescent Probes Through Investigation of Nitrogen Heteroatom Fluorophores, Matthew Balestriere and Paige D'Elia
Fighting Waste and Feeding People: Exploring the Context of Campus Food Waste and Student Recovery Efforts, Sarah Becker, Max Stout, Maddie Kuklentz, and Savona Cerra
Differences in Glucose Uptake Induced by Prions in Yeast, Samantha Beck
Synthesis and Assembly of Oligonucleotide-Stabilized Lipid Micelles: Audio Presentation, Emily Bender, Leah Sulyok, and Jesse Wun
Synthesis and Assembly of Oligonucleotide-Stabilized Lipid Micelles: Poster, Emily Bender, Leah Sulyok, and Jesse Wun
Rehearsal for Ridiculous Rigor: Past, Present, and Possible, Erica Best, Mackenzie Buckley, Christina Foley, Kevin Harris II, Elizabeth Kandler, Madison Moses, Adrianna Schwindt-Thompson, Chelsea Stitt, Emma Warnick, and Samantha Youngclaus
Analysis of Pore-Blocking Events in Carbon Nanotube Devices, Sarah Blatt, David Lippe, David Baird, Michael Bonfiglio, and Matthew Seeburger
Rehearsal for Don't Worry If You Know It, Mackenzie Buckley, Christina Foley, Elizabeth Kandler, Madison Moses, Adrianna Schwindt-Thompson, Chelsea Stitt, Emma Warnick, and Samantha Youngclaus
Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Black Hole Merger: Review Presentation, Jason Cayetano
Nuclease Activity of Zinc DFsc Proteins, Brendan Cherrey
Cash For Gold: An Economic Analysis of the Olympic Games, Connor De Faber-Schumacher
My Bonner Journey, Allison DeGerlia
Virtue and Disease: Narrative Accounts of Orthorexia, Neve Durrwachter
The Classification of an Unknown Protein 3H04, Britney Dyszel
3D Printing During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Tiffini Eckenrod
Digital Liberal Arts Fellows, Tiffini Eckenrod
My Internship at The Mill at Anselma, Tiffini Eckenrod
Does Using wee-1.3 as a Secondary Suppressor Restore Wildtype Timing of Meiosis and Oocyte Maturation in pam-1 C. elegans Mutants?, Caprice Eisele
Spoken Word Presents Public Reading #3, Cyn Ercole, Shelsea Deravil, Adam Mlodzinski, Brooke Yanaga, Keith Graves, Sam Beckman, and Stevie Gardner
Invisible Hand or Collective Command: Unionized Effect on State Wages, Michael Felix
The Million-Dollar Smile: The Economic Analysis of Facial Symmetry in the NFL, Marion Fortino
GFAP Expression of Radial Glial Cells of the Regenerating Spinal Cord of Axolotls, Erin Fowler
Development of an Oxygen and Sulfur Series of Photo-induced Electron Transfer (PET)-Based Fluorescent Probes for Applications in Triazine Detection, Erin Fowler and Alyssa St. Jean
Civil Engineering: Inspections and Testing, Noah Frantz
Retention Analysis of Benzene Compounds in HPLC Using a Fluoro octyl Column and 50:50% (v/v) Methanol/Water, Cara Freedman
Love on the Brain, Luke Gehlhaus
Robots and Cleanliness: Does Hospital Size Matter?, Angela Gervasi and Shannon Blessing
Quantum Tunnelling to the Origin and Evolution of Life: Review Presentation, Nina Givens
Mo’ Money Less Problems: Personal Factors that Correlate with Post-Baccalaureate Attainment, Zachary Goss
Hungering for Change: Live Q&A on Food Security, Sylvia Grove, Caroline Harries, Tanya Weaver, Sarah Fisher, Margrethe Leis, and Kyra Clark
Ursinus Dance Program: American College Dance Association Conference, March 4-7, 2020, Kevin Harris II and Chelsea Stitt
Political Perspectives and Attitudes Towards the Legal System, Hiyab Hiruy
Progress Presentation on the Proposed Function of Protein 4DIU Through Bioinformatics Analyses, Melissa Hoff
Isolated Together: Stories From the COVID-19 Pandemic; A Living Newspaper Radio Play, Claire Hughes, Satchel Harp-Monseau, Ruby Serafin, Hannah Wolfram, Jennifer Kearney, Jordan Gagan, Julia Herrero, Myla Haan, and Caroline Bormann
Redox Properties of G4DFsc Proteins Using CV, Alana Huynh, Kailyn Cohen, and Paige D'Elia
Merge Trees in Discrete Morse Theory, Benjamin Johnson
Working Memory and Attention Deficits During a Letter Number Sequencing Task Post-Concussion, Shannon Kiss
My Internship at Freeman's Auction, Abigail Krasutsky
New Age of Cinema: Factors Affecting Movie Theater Ticket Sales, Victoria Kroha
A Qualitative Analysis of Factors Influencing Unsafe Patient Care in a Hospital Setting, Sarah Lafharis and Rachel Coleman
The Smiles Rearrangement on Coumarin Fluorophores via NMR Analysis, Daniel Lippe
On a Geometrical Description of Quantum Mechanics: Review Presentation, Joshua Luckie
Strong Optomechanical Squeezing of Light: Review Presentation, Sarah Marchione
Modern Physics Quantum Session Question and Answer, Ross Martin-Wells, Samuel Adeniyi, Jason Cayetano, Nina Givens, Joshua Luckie, and Sarah Marchione
From Physical to Digital: The Evolution of the Recorded Music Industry, Ronald Matthew
My Bonner Experience, Noel McCampbell
Delivering Ciprofloxacin Into Escherichia coli Using PEG-modified Nanographene Oxide, Noel McCampbell, Jaclyn Zaccaro, Ben Antill, Jamie Mayer, Cassandra Burke, Kyumin Lee, Joshua Belder, Kevin Brown, Raechel Arnold, and Regan Newman
Co-Occurring Autistic and ADHD Traits Do Not Affect Spatial Reasoning Ability, Abigail McElroy
Effects of High Fat Diet on Cardiac Function, Jacob Menzer
Theory and Method Behind Understanding Gender Minority Prejudice, Julia Mills
Ecologically-based Agricultural Management Practices Affect Soil Nitrogen Dynamics, Madison Moses
Helping Bereaved Students: The Effects of Early Traumatic Loss and the Role of School Personnel and Supportive Services, Sarah Moss, Breanna Couts, Etienne Hopkinson, Emily Jobson, Oliviah Rachael, Abigail Danzig, Gabriella DeMelfi, and Taylor Pyle
Modeling and Characterization of Manganese Using Due Ferri Single Chain Proteins, Joseph Pantel
The Effect of Pre-Impact Topography on Ray Production for Lunar Copernican Craters: Audio Commentary, Janice Partee
The Effect of Pre-Impact Topography on Ray Production for Lunar Copernican Craters: Poster, Janice Partee
Method of Experimental Force Transduction: Audio Commentary, Julia Pierson and Hannah N. Lee
Method of Experimental Force Transduction: Poster, Julia Pierson and Hannah N. Lee
Business and Economics 2019-2020 Final Honors Presentations, Daniel Powell, Rebecca Schubach, Parker Wolf, and Hannah Wolfram
Super Bang for the Super Buck: An Economic Analysis of Super Bowl Advertisements, Marissa Pownall
Sexual Experiences and Thought Patterns, Amanda Rodriguez
Measuring Ex Vivo Muscle Contraction Forces in Mus musculus, Oniel Salik
Quantum Superposition and Entanglement: Review Presentation, Raymond Saunders