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Paper- Restricted to Campus Access

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Faculty Mentor

Beth Bailey


Obesity is related with cardiac hypertrophy, or the enlargement of the heart, due to the increased demands placed on the heart. There are two different categories of cardiac hypertrophy, pathological or physiological. Pathological hypertrophy is known to lead to congestive heart failure as well as a multitude of other cardiovascular diseases and physiological hypertrophy is common among aerobic athletes. My Honors Research Project purpose is to determine the effects a short term and long term High Fat Diet on cardiac functioning in female mice. Mice will be placed on their specific diet plan, whether it be a Standard Chow (control group), long term high fat diet, or short term high fat diet, then the cardiac cells of the mice will be analyzed for cell size as well as contractile function. These measurements will be able to determine whether the heart has enlarged and shed some light onto whether this enlargement is beneficial or malignant. I hypothesize that there will be significant cardiac hypertrophy following a short term high fat diet, and that hypertrophy will be exacerbated by a continued, long term high fat diet.


Presented as part of the Ursinus College Celebration of Student Achievement (CoSA) held April 23 – April 30, 2020.

The downloadable file is a PowerPoint slide presentation with recorded audio commentary.


Available to Ursinus community only.
