John H. A. Bomberger Library
John Henry Augustus Bomberger (1817-1890) was the first graduate of Marshall College and later received the first Doctor's degree conferred by Franklin and Marshall College. After completing his studies at the Theological Seminary in York, Pennsylvania, he served as pastor of German Reformed churches in Lewistown, Waynesboro, Easton and Philadelphia.
During this time, Bomberger became the leader of the minority "low church," which countered the ritualistic form of worship, or "high church," advocated by Dr. John Williamson Nevin, President of Franklin and Marshall College from 1866-1876. This controversy grew for more than 20 years. The crucial point is: Dr. Bomberger and men of like thought, constituted a minority. Had they been the majority, Ursinus College would never have been founded. Dr. Bomberger served as President from 1870 until his death in 1890.
This collection is a digital representation of Dr. Bomberger's private library, containing many rare volumes (some of which were brought over from Europe by his grandfather) which helped form the basis of the first Library at Ursinus College. Much of the commentary for these books comes from the notes of Dr. Gerald H. Hinkle, who arranged the collection in the 1960s. Dr. Hinkle came to the Ursinus faculty as an assistant professor of English in 1963. A graduate of Franklin and Marshall College, Hinkle would later write his doctoral dissertation on "The Theology of the Ursinus Movement: Its Origins and Influence in the German Reformed Church."
In addition to Dr. Hinkle's commentary, we have included information from the Reverend John H. A. Bomberger, Doctor of Divinity; Doctor of Laws 1817-1890 Centenary Volume where relevant, and have added several transcriptions of handwritten notes found in the volumes. Whenever possible, links have been provided to the fully digitized texts in resources like HathiTrust Digital Library and the Internet Archive. To view the rare books in Myrin Library, please contact the Special Collections Department.
Essays on Happiness, Christian Piety, Prejudices Against the Gospel, and the Scripture Doctrine of Grace: To Which is Added the Celebrated Sermon on Glorying in the Cross of Christ
John Maclaurin
This 295 page book is a collection of sermons and essays by the Reverend John M'Laurin of Scotland. Included also is an account of the life and character of the author.
Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirchenzeitung
Ernst W. Stahelin
Two bound volumes of the periodical spanning January 1859 to December 1861 and from 1867 to 1868.
The Atlantic Telegraph in its Religious Aspects: A Sermon Preached in the Race St. G. Evangelical Reformed Church, August 22, 1858
John Henry Augustus Bomberger
This 35 page book contains a sermon delivered at the Race St. German Evangelical Reformed Church in Philadelphia.
Theologisch-homiletisches Bibelwerk, die Heilige Schrift: Alten und Neuen Testaments mit Rücksicht auf das Theologisch-homiletische Bedürfniss des Pastoralen Amtes in Verbindung mit Namhaften Evangelischen Theologen
Johann Peter Lange
Volumes five (Der Apostel Geschichten bearb. von G.V. Lechler ... Homiletisch von K. Gerok) and ten (Die beiden Briefe Pauli an die Thessalonicher ... bearb. von C.A. Auberlen, und C.J. Riggenbach) of a twenty volume series of Bible commentary.
Thirteen Years' Experience in the Itinerancy
Andrew Manship
This 398 page book is an autobiography of reverend Andrew Manship. It is the tenth edition, with an introduction by bishop Levi Scott.
The Doctrines and Discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church
Methodist Episcopal Church
This 240 page book details the origin, doctrines and administrative rules of the Methodist Episcopal Church as well as its rituals and economic support. Edited by Beverly Waugh.
The Catholic: Letters Addressed by a Jurist to a Young Kinsman Proposing to Join the Church of Rome
Elias Hasket Derby
This 293 page book contains a series of letters written by a member of the legal profession in order to dissuade a young man from joining the Roman Catholic Church. It includes also, an appendix: "Church Books of the Apostolic Church, as Restored by Bunsen."
Kirchliche Statistik der Reformirten Schweiz
Georg Finsler
This 732 page book contains detailed information about the Reformed Church in Switzerland.
The Works of George Herbert, in Prose and Verse
George Herbert and Robert Aris Willmott
This 466 page book of George Herbert's works is edited by the Reverend Robert Aris Willmott.
An Introduction to the Study of Aesthetics
James Clement Moffat
This 284 page book provides an introduction to the philosophy of art, including beauty, harmony, taste, originality and critical authority.
Bible Society Record
American Bible Society
Two bound volumes of the periodical containing volume 1, no.1, January 1856 to volume 6, no. 12, December 1861.
Hutterus Redivivus: Oder, Dogmatik der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Kirche
Karl von Hase
This 374 page book is bound with "Die Unterscheidungslehren der verschiedenen christlichen Bekenntnisse im Lichte gottlichen Worts", printed in 1857.
Illustrirter Kalender: Jahrbuch der Ereignisse, Bestrebungen und Fortschritte im Völkerleben und im Gebiete der Wissenschaften, Künste und Gewerbe
J. J. Weber
Two volumes of a thirty-six volume set of illustrated German almanacs. These two volumes cover the years 1855-1857 and 1859-1861.
Record of Sermons Preached in Easton, Pennsylvania, etc., Commencing April 1, 1850
John Henry Augustus Bomberger
This 44 page ledger contains Dr. John H. A. Bomberger's handwritten notes about the sermons preached during his final four years as pastor of the First Reformed Church of Easton, Pennsylvania. Entries contain the date, time of day, place, Biblical text and theme for each sermon. Often, additional remarks are found about the occasion of the sermon (a Confirmation, Communion, funeral, Harvest sermon or cornerstone laying, for example), the weather, and attendance. Names and ages of the deceased (and sometimes the cause of death) are recorded for the funeral services. The death of a child is frequently noted as the occasion for the sermon.
The funeral of Reverend Thomas Pomp is recorded in the ledger as taking place on April 25, 1852. Pomp resigned as German pastor of the Reformed Church in Easton on April 19, 1850. Bomberger served with him as the English pastor.
Farewell sermons from Bomberger to the congregation at Easton are noted to have taken place on August 27th, 1854. A handwritten note reads in part: "Thus ended my ministerial labors among a people to whom my heart became increasingly attached from year to year." The ledger records the first eight sermons preached in September 1854 at Bomberger's new pastorate at the Race Street Church in Philadelphia.
A list of catechumens for the years 1852 to 1853 is also found within the book.
Vorlesungen Uber Wesen und Geschichte der Reformation
Karl Rudolf Hagenbach
This series of six books in five volumes contains these titles: "Geschichte der Reformation in Deutschland und der Schweiz", "Der evangelische Protestantismus in seiner geschichtlichen Entwickelung", and "Die Kirchengeschichte des achtzehnten und neunzehnten Jahrhunderts aus dem Standpunkte des evangelischen Protestantismus betrachtet."
Kirchengeschichte: Lehrbuch Zunächst für Akademische Vorlesungen
Karl von Hase
This 732 page textbook on church history was intended for academic lectures.
Real-Encyklopädie für Protestantische Theologie und Kirche: In Verbindung mit Vielen Protestantischen Theologen und Gelehrten
Johann Jakob Herzog
Volumes two through six of a twenty-two volume encyclopedia of Protestant Church theology.
Kurze Erklärung des Kleinen Katechismus Dr. Martin Luthers: Mit Beigefügten Bibelstellen zum Gebrauche in Familien, für Confirmanden-Unterricht, Katechisation, Sonntagsschulen
Johann Christoph Vogt
This 148 page book is a brief explanation of Martin Luther's "small" catechism for children, first published in 1529. "Edited with the approval of the Church." The National Union Catalog attributes Johann Christoph Vogt as the author of this work.
Odd-Fellowship Examined in the Light of Scripture and Reason
Joseph Tate Cooper
This 252 page book contains six lectures on the adverse influence of the Order of Odd-Fellows on Christianity. The author was pastor of the Second Associate Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia.
The Life of Benjamin Franklin, Written by Himself: Together With his Essays, Humorous, Moral and Literary
Benjamin Franklin
This 224 page book is the "one hundredth edition" of Benjamin Franklin's autobiography.
Preparation for Death, or, Considerations on the Eternal Maxims, Useful for All as a Book of Meditations, etc.
Alfonso Maria Liguori
This 396 page book of meditations is the sixth edition, translated from the Italian by a Catholic clergyman and approved by the Reverend Bishop Fitzpatrick.
The Course of Creation: With a Glossary of Scientific Terms
John Anderson
This 384 page book discusses the geology of Scotland, England, France and Switzerland and includes a chapter that attempts to reconcile the Biblical account of Moses with geological findings.
The Church of Christ: A Discourse
Richard William Dickinson
This 64 page book contains a discourse published at the request of members of the Presbyterian congregation in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
Family Bible: The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, With Brief Notes and Instructions
Justin Edwards
This 425 page book contains maps, references and marginal readings of the polyglot Bible.
The Tahtar Tribes
John Kitto
This 192 page book was republished for the American Sunday-School Union through a special arrangement with the Religious Tract Society of London.