John H. A. Bomberger Library
John Henry Augustus Bomberger (1817-1890) was the first graduate of Marshall College and later received the first Doctor's degree conferred by Franklin and Marshall College. After completing his studies at the Theological Seminary in York, Pennsylvania, he served as pastor of German Reformed churches in Lewistown, Waynesboro, Easton and Philadelphia.
During this time, Bomberger became the leader of the minority "low church," which countered the ritualistic form of worship, or "high church," advocated by Dr. John Williamson Nevin, President of Franklin and Marshall College from 1866-1876. This controversy grew for more than 20 years. The crucial point is: Dr. Bomberger and men of like thought, constituted a minority. Had they been the majority, Ursinus College would never have been founded. Dr. Bomberger served as President from 1870 until his death in 1890.
This collection is a digital representation of Dr. Bomberger's private library, containing many rare volumes (some of which were brought over from Europe by his grandfather) which helped form the basis of the first Library at Ursinus College. Much of the commentary for these books comes from the notes of Dr. Gerald H. Hinkle, who arranged the collection in the 1960s. Dr. Hinkle came to the Ursinus faculty as an assistant professor of English in 1963. A graduate of Franklin and Marshall College, Hinkle would later write his doctoral dissertation on "The Theology of the Ursinus Movement: Its Origins and Influence in the German Reformed Church."
In addition to Dr. Hinkle's commentary, we have included information from the Reverend John H. A. Bomberger, Doctor of Divinity; Doctor of Laws 1817-1890 Centenary Volume where relevant, and have added several transcriptions of handwritten notes found in the volumes. Whenever possible, links have been provided to the fully digitized texts in resources like HathiTrust Digital Library and the Internet Archive. To view the rare books in Myrin Library, please contact the Special Collections Department.
An Exposition of the Assembly's Catechism: With Practical Inferences From Each Question, as Exhibited in the Lord's Day Exercises in Dartmouth in the First Year of Liberty, 1688
John Flavel
This 246 page book contains a catechism of the Presbyterian Church. It is the first American edition, revised and corrected from several London editions.
Pinnock's Improved Edition of Dr. Goldsmith's History of Rome
Oliver Goldsmith, William Pinnock, and William Cooke Taylor
This 399 page book on Roman history and antiquities contains biographical notes and questions for examination at the end of each section. It contains illustrations and is the 35th American, from the 23rd English edition.
Reformirtes Kirchenbuch: Völlständige Sammlung der in der Reformirten Kirche Eingeführten Kirchengebete und Formulare zum Praktischen Gebrauche Eingerichtet
Johannes Heinrich August Ebrard
This 295 page book contains liturgical texts of the Reformed Church.
A Description of the City of New York: With a Brief Account of the Cities, Towns, Villages, and Places of Resort Within Thirty Miles, Designed as a Guide for Citizens and Strangers
Orville Luther Holley
This 114 page guidebook to New York City contains illustrations and fold-out maps.
A Grammatical Corrector: Or, Vocabulary of the Common Errors of Speech ... Peculiar to the Different States of the Union
Seth T. Hurd
This 124 page book, also known as "Hurd's Corrector," explains and corrects common errors in usage of the English language.
Kirchen-Lexikon: Oder, Encyklopädie der Katholischen Theologie und Ihrer Hilfswissenschaften
Heinrich Joseph Wetzer and Benedict Welte
This twelve volume set is an encyclopedia of Catholic theology.
Incentives to the Cultivation of the Science of Geology: Designed for the use of the Young
Samuel Sidwell Randall
This 189 page illustrated book serves as an introduction to the science of geology, especially for students. It includes a survey of the geological features of the United States and of New York state in particular.
Biblical Repository and Classical Review
John Holmes Agnew
A bound volume of the periodical containing third series, no.1, January 1845 to third series, no. 4, October 1845.
The Suppliant, or, Thoughts Designed to Encourage and Aid Private Devotion
John Sheppard
This 268 page book is substantially reprinted from an English work entitled "Thoughts chiefly designed as preparative or persuasive to Private Devotion."
Essay on Our Lord's Discourse at Capernaum: Recorded in the Sixth Chapter of St. John
Samuel Hulbeart Turner
This 149 page book is a treatise on the sacrament of the Eucharist as described in the Gospel of St. John.
The Works of William Ellery Channing
William Ellery Channing
This is the second of a 2 volume set containing works of William Ellery Channing, edited by Joseph Barker. The writings cover a wide variety of topics including Napoleon Bonaparte, John Milton, Unitarian Christianity, the abolition of slavery and theological education.
Theopneusty: Or, the Plenary Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures
Louis Gaussen
This 410 page book is the 2nd American (from the 2nd French) edition, enlarged and improved by the author. Translated by Edward Norris Kirk.
Elias der Thisbiter: Nach Seinem Aussern und Innern Leben Dargestellt
Friedrich Wilhelm Krummacher
This 707 page book details the life of the Biblical prophet, Elijah.
Dr. Heinrich Müller's Apostolische Schlusskette und Kraftkern, Oder, Gründliche Auslegung der Gewöhnlichen Sonn- und Festtagsepisteln
Heinrich Muller
This 576 page book contains German Lutheran Church sermons edited by C.F.H. Bittcher.
Essays on the Church of God: In Which the Doctrines of Church Membership and Infant Baptism are Fully Discussed
John Mitchell Mason
This 182 page book contains essays on the organization of the Presbyterian Church and on rituals concerning infant members of the Church, such as baptism.
The Great Change: A Treatise on Conversion
George Redford
This 180 page book on religious conversion includes an introduction by the Reverend John Angell James. It was originally prepared for the London Religious Tract Society and was reprinted by the American Sunday-School Union.
Sketches of Modern Philosophy: Especially Among the Germans
James Murdock
This 201 page book provides a historical survey of the development of philosophy among the Germans. It originated as essays in the Congregational Observer newspaper in Hartford.
Beicht und Communion-Büchlein für Evangelische Christen
Wilhelm Lohe
This 122 page book is bound in a single volume with the 812 page J.A. Grammlich's erbauliche Betrachtungen auf alle Tage des ganzen Jahres, printed in 1853.
D. Carl Daub's Vorlesungen über die Prolegomena zur Dogmatik: Und über die Kritik der Beweise für das Daseyn Gottes
Carl Daub
This 513 page book is the second volume in the "Philosophische und theologische Vorlesungen" series edited by Philipp Marheineke and Theophor Wilhelm Dittenberger.
The Case of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, Before the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Impartially Reported by Disinterested Stenographers: Including all the Proceedings, Testimony, and the Arguments at Nisi Prius, and Before the Court in Bank, With the Charge of Judge Rogers, the Verdict of the Jury, and the Opinion of Chief Justice Gibson
James Todd, Daniel Whiting Lathrop, John Bannister Gibson, Molton Cropper Rogers, and Ashbel Green
This 628 page book outlines divisions between conflicting parties within the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church. It includes a presentation of the facts, testimony, arguments and decisions made in the case before the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.
The British and Foreign Review; Or, European Quarterly Journal
European Quarterly Journal
One bound volume of the periodical containing volumes 10 through 12 of 18 total volumes.
Handwörterbuch der Griechischen und Römischen Mythologie
Eduard Adolf Jacobi
This two volume dictionary of Greek and Roman mythology was edited by Eduard Jacobi.
Allgemeines Lexicon der Religions und Christlichen Kirchengeschichte für Alle Confessionen: Enthaltend die Lehren, Sitten, Gebräuche und Einrichtungen der Heidnischen, Jüdischen, Christlichen und Muhamedanischen Religion
Christian Gotthold Neudecker
This five volume dictionary of religions places particular emphasis on the Greek and Roman Catholic and Protestant churches.
Chemistry, Meteorology, and the Function of Digestion, Considered With Reference to Natural Theology
William Prout
This 306 page book is number 8 in the series: "Bridgewater treatises on the power, wisdom, and goodnes of God, as manifested in the creation."
Union Questions, on Select Portions of Scripture From the Old and New Testaments
American Sunday School Union
This 181 page book was written for the American Sunday-School Union and revised by the Committee of Publication.
"Volume 3: Embracing the History of the Patriarchs" printed on title page.