Submissions from 2024
How to Overcome Life's Biggest Challenges: A Humor Portfolio, Hailey Clark
Literature’s Representation of Mental Illness in Women: Recognition, Power, and Agency in a Restrictive Society, Kathryn Horan
Queer Coding and Representation: The Motion Picture Production Code and Its Impact on the LGBTQ Community, Amber Leech
Understanding Neurodivergence Through First Person Narratives, Keegan McGowan
Revelation and Refusal: Movement and Stasis in Tony Kushner’s Angels in America (1991 and 2013), Leo Quinn
Madeline Hepburn is Missing: A Creative Look into Stylistic Writing, Ze'ev A. Shaheen
Writing a Young Adult Fantasy Book, Miara Truog Sebouhian
Submissions from 2023
Fantasy Escapism: Using Role-Playing Games to Explore Mental Health and Gender Identity, Aidan Cipolla
Submissions from 2022
The Gaze Through Which You See: An Analysis of the Male and Female Gaze in 19th Century Literature, Olivia Fiorella
The Cult of Domesticity Across Racial Lines in Literature, Morgan Grabowski
But it was in the Bible?: How Medieval Texts Foster Contemporary Antisemitism, Claire Hynes
Submissions from 2021
Hysteria: A Collection of Feminist Horror, Anastasia Dziekan
Submissions from 2020
(Fun)ction: Developing Games From A Narrative Standpoint, Julian Barocas
The Verge of Renaissance: A Fantasy Novella, Samuel Ernst
"Anthropo-Dreams" – Ecopoems, Adam Mlodzinski
Submissions from 2019
Queering the Bildungsroman in Yukio Mishima's "Confessions of a Mask" and Jean Genet's "The Thief's Journal", Daniel Walker
Submissions from 2018
High Education: A Film Narrative About the Role of Education Today, Tommy Armstrong
Understanding the American Subaltern: An Exploration of Complex Literary Characters Through Socio-Cultural Lenses, Sophie Gioffre
Seasoned Antisemitism: Cannibalism in The Destruction of Jerusalem, Bailey Ludwig
Complete Bosoms, Incomplete Men: Reading Abstinence in Measure for Measure, Joseph Makuc
Submissions from 2017
Call of the Wildman and Other Tall Tales From the Bahamas and Guyana: Documenting my Family's Cultural Heritage Through the Short Story, Brandon T.G. Carey
The Harlem Renaissance's Hidden Figure, Jada A. Grice
A Finely Indecisive Hypocrite: Essays on an Asian American Upbringing, Albert Hahn
The Diversity of Social Life at Ursinus College, Morgan Larese
Quantum Physics and Relativity in Lovecraft's Fiction, Garrison McCammon
Submissions from 2016
Dream Visions: Structures of Grief in Medieval Poetry, Lauren T. Geiger
More Than a Muse: Mable Dodge 1905-1918, Sarah M. Gow
Out at Last: The Hysterical Woman's Recovery Through Writing, Phoebe R. Keleher
Faces Bright With Relief: Creative Nonfiction Essays on Growing Up, Mara Koren
Literacy and Citizenship: Helping Students Learn the Importance of Being an Informed and Educated Citizen, Luke H. Schlegel
Text and Paratext: Analyzing Edith Wharton's Hudson River Bracketed in its Periodical Context, Paige Szmodis
Submissions from 2015
“yes I said yes I will Yes”: Queer Performativity and Realization of the Erotic in James Joyce’s Ulysses, Brian K. Cox
Picking Bugs Off the Moon: Daily Poetry As Regimen and Reflection, Blaise N. Laramee
The Bell in the Forgotten Chapel: An Examination of Rilke’s Dreamcrowned in the Trajectory of his Life and Work, Anne K. Rus
Women in the Workplace, Then and Now: Gender Inversion vs. Gender Equity, Macy Smith