High Education: A Film Narrative About the Role of Education Today

Submission Date


Document Type




Second Department


Faculty Mentor

Domenick Scudera


Presented during the 20th Annual Summer Fellows Symposium, July 20, 2018 at Ursinus College.

Project Description

High Education is a series of narrative films I’m creating about the role of higher education in today’s society. It explores topics of student culture, social practices, and drugs. I’ve informed script revisions as well as the entire directing process by researching the representation of drugs and college students in film and studying statistics and surveys about the prevalence of certain drugs on college campuses. Today, students at competitive schools take drugs not just medicinally or even recreationally, but higher education is a source of great opportunity for personal and professional endeavors. High Education is going to take the viewer to a prestigious college to ask: just what makes up a competitive-college experience today? How we can protect ourselves from potential dangers that come with living in the generation? The series will be produced as 16 10-minute episodes, all in a sequential narrative following students Constance and Heidi as Heidi loses her memory and has to relearn what education is.

Open Access

Available to all.
