
Accession Number
Date Range
Hand-drawn Taufscheine with floral-and-vine borders, angel with crossed legs at top center, flanked by two large parrots.
Dimensions in Inches
12 3/8 x 15 1/2
Dimensions in Centimeters
31 x 39
Watercolor and ink on laid paper
Drawn, Hand lettered
Associated Places
Heidelberg Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania
angels, birds, flowers, parrots, floral, leaves
Associated Names
Andres Cap, Andres Kapp, Maria Eliesabeth, Johannes, Hendel, Adam Kehl
Please contact the Philip and Muriel Berman Museum of Art at Ursinus College for permissions which fall outside of educational fair use.
Ursinus College Library Special Collections and the Philip and Muriel Berman Museum of Art
Pennsylvania Folklife Society
Fraktur lettering, German script
diesen beÿ de ehgatten als Anders Lap und/seiner ehlichen Haus frau Maria Elisabeth ist ein Sohn/Johannes zur Welt gebohren als ist zur Welt gebo=/hren im Jahr unsers Herrn Jesu 1809 den 24 den November/ Tag um 11 Uhr Vormittag im Kreps zeichen de Tauf zeu=/gen war Adam Kohl /Mith in diese in den Gnaden bünd Gottes ein/ver leibet und von Herrn Hendel prediger und diener des/worts Gottes den 21 den Maÿ Tag getauft und/genennet worden wie oben gemeldet oben gemel/dete ist gebohren in America im Staat Pennselvani in Taphin Caunti in Heidelberg Taunschip
To both of these spouses, Anders Lap and his legal wife Maria Elisabeth is a son to the world born, is to the world born in the year of our Lord Jesus 1809 the 24th day of November at 11 o’clock in the morning in the Crabs [Cancer] sign. The Baptismal sponsors was Adam Kohl. Thereafter this one was incorporated in the merciful union of God and by Mister Hendel preacher and servant of the word of God the 21st May Day was baptized and named as above mentioned. Above-mentioned one was born in America, in the state of Pennsylvania in Dauphin County in Heidelberg Township.
The Cross-Legged Angel artist, so-called due to his frequent inclusion of this distinctive character as on this piece, remains to be identified. Other artists, among them Friedrich Speyer, employed a similar motif, so attributions to this artist must be made with caution. The angels’ legs on the Cross-Legged Angel artist usually have clearly visible lines for each leg although they are overlapping,whereas Speyer’s angels do not. This artist's work is also often recognizable by the small blue urns with red cross-hatching. He frequently used a zig-zag border to divide the fraktur into sections. This artist made fraktur for families in Berks, Dauphin, and Lancaster counties.
Minardi, Lisa. Roots: Ursinus College and the Pennsylvania Germans (Trappe, Pa.: Historic Trappe, 2019). p. 84, fig. 3.58.
File Format
fraktur, Pennsylvania German, Pennsylvania Dutch, folk art, illuminated manuscript, taufschein
Image Location
Rights Statement
No Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Only. URI:
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