
Creation Date
Posted 30 September 1925
This ca. 1925 postcard presents various scenes around campus: (clockwise from top left) Bomberger Memorial Hall, Alumni Memorial Library, Freeland Hall, a view of Bomberger Memorial Hall from Main Street, a view of Freeland Hall from Main Street, a flagpole, a walkway, and the Collegeville Bridge.
Made by Curt Teich & Co., Chicago U S A. R-91962.
9 × 14 cm.
Written Message
"9/30/25 | Am just started now with real work "and I don't mean (?)" Like it very much. Certainly is nice bunch of fellows. Expect to see ball game here on Sat. Will probably see you next Sat. | Walter | I spend most of my time in Hall marked." [Bomberger Memorial Hall is marked with X].
This image is presented for educational purposes only and is not for commercial use.
Ursinus College, Collegeville, Pennsylvania, postcard, message, Curt Teich, 1925, scenery, buildings, campus, Bomberger Memorial Hall, Alumni Memorial Library, Freeland Hall, flagpole, walkway, Collegeville Bridge, 1920s