Letter From Dorothy Dearing to Francis Mairs Huntington-Wilson, March 4, 1921
Dorothy Dearing
A handwritten letter from Dorothy Dearing addressed to Francis Mairs Huntington-Wilson, dated March 4, 1921. Within, Dearing writes to update Wilson on the illnesses she and her husband are experiencing and urges Wilson to write to Philander Knox regarding a diplomatic post in Japan.
Letter From Philander C. Knox to Francis Mairs Huntington-Wilson, April 17, 1920
Philander C. Knox
A typed letter from Philander C. Knox to Francis Mairs Huntington-Wilson, dated April 17, 1920. Within, Knox updates Wilson on illnesses suffered by he and his wife as well as other recent events.
Industrial Democracy
Francis Mairs Huntington-Wilson
A typed copy of an unpublished essay entitled, "Industrial Democracy", written by Francis Mairs Huntington-Wilson, dated March 31, 1920. Within, Wilson lays out the framework of a concept for domestic reform entitled "'Industrial Democracy".
A Wise Senate and a Foolish Diplomacy
Francis Mairs Huntington-Wilson
A typed copy of an unpublished essay entitled, "A Wise Senate and a Foolish Diplomacy", written by Francis Mairs Huntington-Wilson, dated March 26, 1920. Within, Wilson argues the benefits of the Senate's recent rejection of the Treaty of Versailles and warns against the dangers of foreign entanglements.
Letter From Philander C. Knox to Francis Mairs Huntington-Wilson, March 4, 1920
Philander C. Knox
A typed letter from Philander C. Knox to Francis Mairs Huntington-Wilson, dated March 4, 1920. Within, Knox writes Wilson to comment on recent Senate committee business.
Letter From Philander C. Knox to Francis Mairs Huntington-Wilson, June 6, 1919
Philander C. Knox
A typed letter from Philander C. Knox to Francis Mairs Huntington-Wilson, dated June 6, 1919. Within, Knox writes in response to an inquiry Wilson made on May 30th in regard to the Treaty of Versailles.
Letter From Edward H. Williams to Francis Mairs Huntington-Wilson, May 3, 1919
Edward H. Williams
A typed letter from Edward H. Williams to Francis Mairs Huntington-Wilson, dated May 3, 1919. Within, Williams informs Wilson that the letters Wilson requested could not be found within the offices that were searched.
Letter From Francis Mairs Huntington-Wilson to Percy P. Bishop, April 30, 1919
Francis Mairs Huntington-Wilson
A typed copy of a letter from Francis Mairs Huntington-Wilson to Percy P. Bishop, dated April 30, 1919. Within, Wilson requests a second search to be made within the War Department for missing letters of recommendation related to his application for a commission.
Letter From Edward H. Williams to Francis Mairs Huntington-Wilson, January 25, 1919
Edward H. Williams
A typed letter from Edward H. Williams to Francis Mairs Huntington-Wilson, dated January 25, 1919. Within, Williams informs Wilson of an investigation concerning the letters of recommendation Wilson requested.
Letter From Adolph A. Hoehling Jr. to Francis Mairs Huntington Wilson, January 11, 1919
Adolph A. Hoehling Jr.
A typed letter from Adolph A. Hoehling Jr. to Francis Mairs Huntington-Wilson, dated January 11, 1919. Within, Hoehling provides some letters of recommendation Wilson requested from the Office of the Judge Advocate General.
Letter From Alvey A. Adee to Francis Mairs Huntington-Wilson, January 8, 1919
Alvey A. Adee
A handwritten letter from Alvey A. Adee to Francis Mairs Huntington-Wilson, dated January 8, 1919. Within, Adee thanks Wilson for his Christmas greeting and sends his well wishes for the New Year.
America's Part in the World Court Movement, 1919
J. Reuben Clark Jr.
A typed copy of an essay entitled, "America's Part in the World Court Movement", by J. Reuben Clark Jr., dating from circa 1919. Within, Reuben details the history and background of the world court movement and peaceful settlement of international disputes starting with the Hague Convention.
Essay on Foreign Expansion of International Banking, Undated [1919]
Francis Mairs Huntington-Wilson
A typed copy of an essay written by Francis Mairs Huntington-Wilson on policies related to foreign expansion of international banking. The essay is undated but likely from late 1918 or early 1919, when Wilson worked for National City Bank.
Making a Japanese Question at Paris, 1919
Francis Mairs Huntington-Wilson
A typed copy of an essay entitled, "Making a Japanese Question at Paris", written by Francis Mairs Huntington-Wilson, dating from circa 1919. Within, Wilson writes on the Japanese government's wish to make a declaration of equality at the Paris Peace Conference.
National City Bank Memorandum, Undated [1919]
Francis Mairs Huntington-Wilson
A typed copy of a memorandum written by Francis Mairs Huntington-Wilson on the need to recruit qualified candidates for the Foreign Department of National City Bank. The document is undated, but likely from late 1918 or early 1919.
National City Bank Report, 1918-1919
Francis Mairs Huntington-Wilson
A typed copy of a report written by Francis Mairs Huntington-Wilson outlining a plan for expanding and reorganizing the Travel and Trade Information Bureaus in connection with National City Bank, dated 1918-1919.
Notes on Peace Conditions with Germany, Undated [1919]
Francis Mairs Huntington-Wilson
An undated handwritten memorandum containing notes on conditions of armistice with Germany, written by Huntington Wilson likely in consultation with Philander Knox.
Proposal for an Additional Article to be Appended to a Peace Treaty with Germany, Undated [1919]
Francis Mairs Huntington-Wilson
A handwritten draft of a proposed article to be added to a peace treaty with Germany following World War I, by Francis Mairs Huntington-Wilson. In the undated document, Wilson proposes additional stipulations be added in regard to peace conditions with Germany.
Spilt Milk. What Now?, 1919
Francis Mairs Huntington-Wilson
A typed copy of an essay entitled, "Spilt Milk. What Now?", written by Francis Mairs Huntington-Wilson, dating from circa 1919. Within, Wilson writes of perceived failures of the Paris Peace Conference and the potential impact to larger geopolitics.
Wanted: A Policy About Bolshevism, 1919
Francis Mairs Huntington-Wilson
A typed copy of an essay entitled, "Wanted: A Policy About Bolshevism", written by Francis Mairs Huntington-Wilson, dating from circa 1919. Within, Wilson writes on the potential threat Russian Bolshevism has on a war-torn Europe and America.
Memorandum on the League of Nations and Treaty Conditions, Undated [1919]
An undated, typed copy of additional points to be considered in regard to the League of Nations and the Treaty of Versailles.
Memorandum on the Treaty of Versailles, Undated [1919]
An undated, typed copy of a memorandum on the Treaty of Versailles. Within, potential conditions are laid out that must be approved before the United States signs to ratify the Treaty of Versailles.
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