Faculty Baden Presentations

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How does a connection to our environment shape who we are as humans and how we move through the world? How can the integration of dance and technology serve to deepen an expression of the human experience and connection to our environment, rather than separate us from it? Associate Professor McCain will discuss her research collaborations that seek to answer these questions through the creation of dance films and the implementation of projection design technologies.
Publication Date
Document Type
Lecture - Restricted to Campus Access
dance, technology, environment, movement, film projection, live performance
Dance | Other Film and Media Studies | Performance Studies
Recommended Citation
McCain, Jeanine, "Creating a Mobile Dance and Technology Installation: Body, Landscape, and Moving Digital Imagery" (2021). Faculty Baden Presentations. 5.
Rights Statement
The contents of this presentation are for educational purposes only.
Delivered as a faculty Baden presentation with an introduction by Dr. Mark Schneider, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Ursinus College.
The downloadable .m4v file has a run time of 59:49.