"Explicit Associations With Autism and Disability" by Jennifer L. Stevenson

Faculty Baden Presentations

Explicit Associations With Autism and Disability



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The entire month of April has been devoted to autism awareness for over 30 years; thus, it should be safe to assume the majority of the general public is aware of the autism spectrum. However, as autistic self-advocates have pointed out, awareness is not the same as acceptance. Despite widespread awareness, we have not reached an inclusive society for autistic individuals or for disabled individuals, in general. A current direction of my research investigates peoples’ attitudes toward the autism spectrum and disability. In this talk, I will present data examining explicit or conscious attitudes. Possible negative explicit associations with the autism spectrum and disability are concerning as they reflect ableist attitudes at a conscious and controllable level.

Publication Date


Document Type

Lecture - Restricted to Campus Access


autism spectrum, disability, explicit attitudes, word associations, ableism, acceptance


Disability Studies | Psychology


Delivered as a faculty Baden presentation with an introduction by Dr. Mark Schneider, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Ursinus College.

The downloadable .mp4 file has a run time of 1 hour and 5 minutes.

Based on research conducted with Theresa G. Mowad and published in Autism in Adulthood, Volume 1, Number 4, December 13, 2019.

Rights Statement

The contents of this presentation are for educational purposes only.

Explicit Associations With Autism and Disability


Available to Ursinus community only.
