
Creation Date
40 page compilation of poetry and lithograph images inspired by the elements of air, fire, earth and water.
The lithographs were hand-pulled by Timothy P. Sheesley, Corridor Press, Otego, New York. The type, Monotype Dante, was cast at the Press and Letterfoundry of Michael and Winifred Bixler, Skaneateles, New York, and printed by Daniel Keleher, Wild Carrot Letterpress, Hadley, Massachusetts. Jerry Kelly, New York, assisted with the design. The text paper is Somerset. The Japanese sheets used for the fold-out sections are Silk Unryu, Koinezumi, and Kurotani Wave. Twinrocker Handmade Paper, Brookston, Indiana, produced the endpapers. The handbinding is by Sarah Creighton, Easthampton, Massachusetts.
Library copy is number 33 of an edition of 45. Autographed.
Wallingford, PA: The ELM Press
Rights This work is under copyright. Rights are held by the original creator(s). The image presented here is for educational purposes only.
hand binding, letterpress printing, embossing, hand lithography, gatefolding
ink, lithograph plates, Italian cloth, Japanese paper
39 x 29 cm.
artists books, lithographs, poetry, Japanese paper, hand bound, gatefolded, letterpress, double leaves, air, earth, fire, water