
Creation Date
37 page compilation of poetry and lithograph images based on the myth of Persephone. The book is housed in a traycase. Includes a folded digital print of a landscape enclosed separately in paper.
Poems by: Eavan Boland, Rita Dove, Rachel Blau DuPlessis, Celia Gilbert, Louise Gluck, A.D. Hope, Stanley Kunitz, Laurie Sheck and Nancy Willard.
The lithographs were hand-pulled by Timothy P. Sheesley, Corridor Press, Otego, New York. The types, Monotype Centaur and Arrighi, were cast at the Letterfoundry of Michael and Winifred Bixler, Skaneateles, New York, and printed by Daniel Keleher, Wild Carrot Letterpress, Hadley, Massachusetts.
The digitally printed landscape images were digitized by Jonathan Lewis and Michael Smith and printed on an Iris ink jet printer at the Silicon Gallery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
The calligraphy is by Jerry Kelly, New York City. The pomegranate seeds were formed by glass artist John Paul Koutsouros, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The pages are Arches Velin, Denril Vellum, and Rives Heavyweight. Barbara B. Blumenthal, Northampton, Massachusetts, hand bound the edition.
Library copy is number 44 of an edition of 45. Autographed.
Wallingford, PA: The ELM Press
Rights This work is under copyright. Rights are held by the original creator(s). The image presented here is for educational purposes only.
letterpress printing, hand binding, digital printing, hand lithography, layering, calligraphy, accordion folding
ink, glass, vellum, lithograph plates, Japanese cloth
36 x 24 cm.
artists books, poetry, lithographs, Persephone, pomegranate, hand bound, gatefold, letterpress, digital print, accordion fold