"The Ursinus Weekly, December 7, 1936" by Abe E. Lipkin, Calvin D. Yost et al.

Ursinus Weekly Newspaper, 1902-1978



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John Porambo, varsity center, is elected captain of 1937 gridmen by 21 lettermen • Articles by Groff and Yoh are Lantern prize winners • Xmas celebration is two nights • Ursinus rec center to open after Xmas • "Y" groups to present speaker on cooperative consumers plan • McClure, Sheeder, attend Association of Colleges meeting • Freshman gridders banquet in initial frosh grid fete • Bothell and Garber star in "The Dark Tower;" record crowd dances to Jan's Tophatters • Dr. Meredith to address physical education group • Interfraternity council issues member list for new students • Students hear economist in talk on natural resources • Debating teams release schedules; women will meet Bucknell this Thursday; men to hold radio debate • Stevens new wrestling coach; good year expected; 27 candidates report for practice • Officials select all-dorm team; five frosh picked • Guest elected soccer captain, bear manager, by 11 lettermen • Costello and Heiges on conference team • Co-ed basketeers participate in new rules exhibition game • Snell's belles end season with six wins, 3 losses • 15 basketballers report; 4 lettermen lead struggle • McAvoy's bears end season in second place, F & M winners in conference; Captain Costello outstanding through season; twelve lettermen leave squad

Publication Date



Ursinus College


Collegeville, Pennsylvania


Ursinus College, Collegeville, Pennsylvania, newspaper, YMCA, YWCA, W. F. Meredith, Phi Beta Kappa, Stuart Chase, Meistersingers, English Club, debate team, International Relations Club, Music Club, football, field hockey, soccer, basketball


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Cultural History | Higher Education | Liberal Studies | Social History | United States History


This is a digitized copy of the Ursinus Weekly, Volume 35, Number 13.

Abe E. Lipkin, editor-in-chief.

The Ursinus Weekly, December 7, 1936



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