Ursinus Weekly Newspaper, 1902-1978
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Dr. Samuel M. Zwemer of Cairo, Egypt, lectures • Wind-up campaign for the library building • Zwing presents operetta for second time • Humorous lectures given by Dr. Forrest Dager • Local batters break even in week's contests • Ursinus places second in oratorical contest • Abington wins Ursinus debating league pennant • Edwin Faye elected YM president • Isenberg '21 organizes new basketball league • Handbook nearing completion • Opportunities for life service ably discussed • New girls' council takes office Tuesday • Frosh-junior shine • Try outs for Penn relays
Publication Date
Ursinus College
Collegeville, Pennsylvania
Ursinus College, Collegeville, Pennsylvania, newspaper, baseball, Alumni Memorial Library, debate team, Zwinglian Literary Society, Paul Isenberg, Schaff Literary Society, William E. Lampe, YMCA, YWCA
This item is available courtesy of the Ursinus College Archives. It is not to be copied or distributed for commercial use.
Cultural History | Higher Education | Liberal Studies | Social History | United States History
Recommended Citation
Deitz, Richard F., "The Ursinus Weekly, April 23, 1923" (1923). Ursinus Weekly Newspaper, 1902-1978. 1379.

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Cultural History Commons, Higher Education Commons, Liberal Studies Commons, Social History Commons, United States History Commons
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This is a digitized copy of the Ursinus Weekly, Volume 21, Number 27.
Richard F. Deitz, editor-in-chief.