Ursinus Weekly Newspaper, 1902-1978
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Frosh defeat sophomores by a 12-0 score in annual football game • Society play to be presented Friday evening • Ursinus is scene of large banquet given in honor of highway committees • Devereux Company appears in pleasing entertainment • Freshmen hold annual class banquet and dance at Spring Mountain Inn • Hunsicker is elected to captain 1925 football team at Athletic Association meeting • Varsity debating squad is chosen for coming season in elimination contest • Basketball candidates in good shape for opener • Freshman class president seized in daring hold-up • Lena Carl '26 suffers case of appendicitis • Ex-governor Brumbaugh elected President of Juniata College • Large celebration is held for dedication of new road • Rev. Fegely addresses joint YM-YWCA meeting • Zwing Christmas program • Basketball assistants
Publication Date
Ursinus College
Collegeville, Pennsylvania
Ursinus College, Collegeville, Pennsylvania, newspaper, football, debate team, Schaff Literary Society, freshman customs, Martin G. Brumbaugh, State Highway Department, basketball, YMCA, YWCA, Zwinglian Literary Society
This item is available courtesy of the Ursinus College Archives. It is not to be copied or distributed for commercial use.
Cultural History | Higher Education | Liberal Studies | Social History | United States History
Recommended Citation
Herber, Howard T. and Omwake, George Leslie, "The Ursinus Weekly, December 8, 1924" (1924). Ursinus Weekly Newspaper, 1902-1978. 1297.

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Cultural History Commons, Higher Education Commons, Liberal Studies Commons, Social History Commons, United States History Commons
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This is a digitized copy of the Ursinus Weekly, Volume 23, Number 12.
Howard T. Herber, editor-in-chief.