"America 250 PA Direct Effect Innovation Challenge 2023" by Monica Herman, Donald Lattanze et al.
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The fifth annual Direct Effect Innovation Challenge (DEIC), sponsored by America250PA, tasked teams of students from postsecondary institutions with designing and developing a marketing campaign based on the theme "Diverse Stories. Unique Communities. One Pennsylvania." The Ursinus College team competed against four other institutions: King's College, Pennsylvania College of Art & Design, Rosemont College and Westmoreland County Community College and won first place for its proposal to create a festival highlighting the diversity of small businesses from across the state.


The .m4v video file has a run time of 7:06 and was produced by Commonwealth Media Services.

Also available to download is the PowerPoint slide presentation.


First Place

America250PA Final presentation.pptx (128452 kB)
PowerPoint Slides
