Submissions from 2022
Understanding Compactness Through Primary Sources: Early Work Uniform Continuity to the Heine-Borel Theorem, Naveen Somasunderam
Submissions from 2021
Stitching Dedekind Cuts to Construct the Real Numbers, Michael P. Saclolo
Submissions from 2020
Investigations into Bolzano's Bounded Set Theorem, Dave Ruch
Investigations Into d'Alembert's Definition of Limit (Real Analysis Version), Dave Ruch (Mini-PSP)
Submissions from 2017
Rigorous Debates over Debatable Rigor: Monster Functions in Introductory Analysis, Janet Heine Barnett
Abel and Cauchy on a Rigorous Approach to Infinite Series, Dave Ruch
An Introduction to a Rigorous Definition of Derivative, Dave Ruch
Bolzano on Continuity and the Intermediate Value Theorem, Dave Ruch
Euler's Rediscovery of e With Instructor Notes, Dave Ruch (Mini-PSP)
The Definite Integrals of Cauchy and Riemann, Dave Ruch
The Mean Value Theorem, Dave Ruch
Submissions from 2016
Henri Lebesgue and the Development of the Integral Concept, Janet Heine Barnett (Mini-PSP)
Why be so Critical? Nineteenth Century Mathematics and the Origins of Analysis, Janet Heine Barnett