"Writing, Performance, Resistance: Examining Feminist Ideology and Theo" by Olivia Cross

Submission Date


Document Type




Second Department



Meghan Brodie

Second Adviser

Edward Onaci

Committee Member

Chisu Teresa Ko

Department Chair

Meghan Brodie

Department Chair

Edward Onaci

Project Description

This project seeks to identify and analyze how feminist theatre is informed by theory and activism in its resistance against white, heteronormative, and patriarchal hegemony offstage through onstage representation. By identifying three consistent themes of gender & sexuality, race, and trauma and the methods used to effectively convey them to an audience, feminist theatre displays how advocacy takes unique forms to uproot the status quo. Furthermore, this research highlights how theatre is a viable and rich outlet for feminist intellectual history, displaying its versatility as a frame of analysis.


Included as a supplemental file is a dramaturgical packet for the stage production of Kate Isabel Foley's Captain Darling, performed at Ursinus College April 4 through April 7, 2024.

Captain Darling Dramaturgical Packet.pdf (6326 kB)
A dramaturgical packet of materials created for the Ursinus Theater Department's world premiere of "Captain Darling" by Kate Isabel Foley in the spring of 2024.
