"Tools for Change: Theatre for Social Justice in Communities of Margina" by Myla Haan

Submission Date


Document Type

Paper- Restricted to Campus Access



Second Department



Meghan Brodie

Second Adviser

John Spencer

Committee Member

Karen Clemente

Committee Member

Domenick Scudera

Department Chair

Jeanine McCain

Department Chair

John Spencer

Project Description

There is hardly ever a platform provided in schools for students to express their concerns about society and how these issues personally affect them each day. Theatre can be that platform, if only educators consciously incorporated this practice into school curricula. I explore the use and efficacy of theatre for social change in educational systems and communities with significant populations of marginalized students. This research culminated in the creation of a multi-layered curriculum for high school-aged students to learn about theatre for social change and to work collaboratively to create a theatre piece of their own.
