"Notes From the Lancaster Volksfreund and Reading Eagle, 1870-1914" by Alfred L. Shoemaker

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George R. Prowell, Berks County, Reading Eagle, apple butter frolic, Rudolph Kuhn, Lancaster County


A set of handwritten, copied notes from various sources, including the Lancaster Volksfreund and The Reading Eagle, transcribed by Alfred L. Shoemaker. The notes cover a variety of topics, including a humorous story of a church sermon, a German account of apple butter frolicks, and a Dr. S. Landis of Ephrata, Pennsylvania.

Corresponds to:

Packet 758-3 to 758-4


Nov. 2, 1870 Volksfreund

Latwerg Frolicks

Wer von unsern Lesern hat je einer Latwerg-Frolick beigewohnt? Gewine haben viele von unsern alteren Unterschreibern, allein in nemerer Zeit sind dreise Art Frolicks ziemlich aus Mode gekommen und die jungere Generation wein wenig davon. In einem gewissen Theil unsers Countys ist eine dicht bevolkente Strasse, die am Volksmunde die Latwerg-Strasse [illegible]. Jede Familie die an derselben wohnt, ist mit einem guten "Bungert" begluckt und in Johren, wo die Apfel gut gerathen, wurde Seider gemacht und jide Familie kocht einen geurichtigen Kessel voll Latwerg. Die jungen Madchen aus der Nachhasschaft wurden alle eingeladen, dabei zu hilfen, und diese laden ihnerseits di jungen Mawrer oder Buwen ein, zu helfen die Apfel zu schalen und die Ruhrer im Gang zu halten. Der grosste Theil der Nacht warde gervohnlich mit dem Kochen zugebracht; dann kam der Spielmann mit der Geige und alle Anwesenden rahumen am Tange Theil. Da gingo lustig hen. Es waren keine hundert Thaler Laren und funfhundert Thaler Kleider nothing.

In manchen theilen unseren Counties finden immer noch Latwerg-Frolicks statt, allen es sind deren nicht mehr so vile als in den Tagen, da unsere Vater und Mutter jung waren.

May 17, 1871 Death of Rudolph Kuhn, former editor of Lancaster Demokrat and April 14 in Dixmont

Irren amstalt near Pittsburgh

Pen Pictures of Friends and Reminiscent Sketches by J. N. Tillard (Altoona, 1911)

pp. 29-31 Barring out the schoolmaster

[Lancaster] Volksfreund

May 18, 1870 Supports Luth. Zeitschrift which defended Pa. Dutch farmers against, among other things, being aberglaubisch. Says: “Wan den Aberglauben anbelangt, so hat mon in Pennsylvanien weder Hexen verbraunt, noch Carfiff-vesen gefunden, wie andersevo.“

May 25, 1870 Begnadigung der Dr. S. Limon [M. Kohler] Landis fruhr von Ephrata, der wegen Neroffentlichung obrioner Schingten zu Jahr Gefangnisshaft verwitheilt warden war, ist zigt begnodigt warden. Gowenen Geary sagt, es sei ihm mitgetheilt warden, don das Buch der Dr. Landis ein medicinischer [illegible[ sei

Lib of Congress lists a number of books by him, including one on the above case, printed in Philadelphia. [April 13, 1871 Dr. S. M. Landis wieder in Trubel.]

June 15, 1870 Court in Montg. Co. Case of a Mr. Taylor against serenaders - last case… mit Bullfiddeln…

July 20, 1870 List of “Hansworten”- expression of everyday life.- Du kleewer Rotz-Loffel!

Aug 31, 1870 Einiges uber die Pennsylvanich-Deutschen Quotable section on “Sprach-Mixung“

Scrapbook at F and M (in Unger Collection)

Clipping from Reading Eagle of 1914

Historian George R. Prowell visits Berks Church

Years ago I visited a small town in Berks County, during the holiday sermon. On Sunday evening we were all invited to go to church. The pastor who preached that evening had ministered to the same congregation more than 20 years. Misfortune and his first wife had passed to another world. Two years had gone by since that event. At this religious service the pastor preached earnestly for a revival of religion within his congregation. He belonged to a ritualistic church, but still believed that his congregation needed enthusiasm in order to build up the congregation, encourage the members to attend services and do effective church work. After his short sermon, which was worthy of the man and the occasion, he fervently asked every member of the congregation to join him in prayer on bended knees. He offered up a strong petition that his congregation should increase their devotions to the Christian faith that the membership might be enlarged.

The clergyman was a graduate of college and had received careful training at a theological seminary. His education, however, had not taught him to pronounce the letter “v”. In the midst of his fervent petition asking the intervention of divine providence and in earnest tones he said, “O lord, revive us. “Responses came from both sexes of the audience and he repeated this sentiment in his prayer several times, while members shouted “Amen”.


English and German

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Notes From the Lancaster Volksfreund and Reading Eagle, 1870-1914



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