"Health Care Access for Children in Latinx Immigrant Families in the Gr" by Sophia King

Submission Date


Document Type





Rebecca Evans

Committee Member

Ann Karreth

Committee Member

Xochitl Shuru

Committee Member

Rebecca Evans

Department Chair

Jonathan Marks

Project Description

This work examines the gap that exists in access to health care in the Greater Philadelphia Region for children of Latinx immigrant families in comparison to other children in the nation. It provides a critical analysis of the gap in access to coverage, noting that this exists despite wide support for a human right to health. This study draws on existing scholarly research as well as interviews with staff at two health clinics and one community outreach center that are located in Greater Philadelphia. It demonstrates that Latinx immigrant families are less likely to have health insurance and get primary care, receive less preventative medical care overall and often turn to non-profit organizations that provide health care and other social services to members of the local Latinx community. I find that low income and undocumented or mixed legal status are obstacles to accessing health care for many Latinx families, and that lack of resources and emotional stress compound health problems. I conclude that culturally sensitive interpreters and a holistic approach to health are key to providing quality health care. I recommend that local, non-profit organizations recruit and train more medical interpreters competent in Spanish and English. I also recommend that Pennsylvania should extend CHIP and Medicaid coverage to all children of any immigration status, and that the new federal public charge rule should be revoked to facilitate greater enrollment among immigrant families in CHIP and Medicaid.
