John H. A. Bomberger Library

Catechetischer Hauss-Schatz, Oder, Erklärung des Heidelbergischen Catechismi Durch Frag und Antwort: Samt Derselben Nutz-Anwendung, Durch Uberzeugung, Prüffung, Aufmunterung, Vermahnung, Trost, und Daraus Gezogenen Gebätten

Catechetischer Hauss-Schatz, Oder, Erklärung des Heidelbergischen Catechismi Durch Frag und Antwort: Samt Derselben Nutz-Anwendung, Durch Uberzeugung, Prüffung, Aufmunterung, Vermahnung, Trost, und Daraus Gezogenen Gebätten



This book about the Heidelberg Catechism is the fifth edition and contains two volumes in one.


JHAB 201

Publication Date



Bey Emanuel Thurneysen






Heidelberger Katechismus, catechisms, German Reformed Church, Katechetischer Hausschatz


Christian Denominations and Sects | Liturgy and Worship


A volume from the private library of the Reverend John Henry Augustus Bomberger (1817-1890), founder and first President of Ursinus College.

Stahelin was one of a long lineage of Swiss Reformed theologians of interest to Reformed leaders in the United States. Bomberger’s interest in Swiss Reformed activities was related to his belief that the Mercersburg theology had taken his denomination far afield from the “mainstream” of nineteenth century Reformed thinking on the continent. This copy was given to Bomberger by the Reverend Albert Helffenstein, an early critic of Nevin and Schaff in the 1840s when their theologian views first caused denominational strife.

The book contains an inscription: "North Wales, Pa. June 8, 1869. Presented to J. H. A. Bomberger for his use during life, and to be afterwards given to the Theological Library of Ursinus College, in Freeland. Montgomery Co., Penna." It is signed by Albert Helffenstein.

Catechetischer Hauss-Schatz, Oder, Erklärung des Heidelbergischen Catechismi Durch Frag und Antwort: Samt Derselben Nutz-Anwendung, Durch Uberzeugung, Prüffung, Aufmunterung, Vermahnung, Trost, und Daraus Gezogenen Gebätten



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