"Refugees and Human Rights in French-Speaking Europe" by Jacob Kang

Submission Date


Document Type



Modern Languages (French)

Faculty Mentor

Céline Brossillon


Presented during the 22nd Annual Summer Fellows Symposium, July 24, 2020 at Ursinus College.

A related presentation is available here.

Project Description

This paper seeks to explain the manner in which French-speaking European States, namely France, Switzerland, and Belgium, treat asylum seekers. To do so, we will first examine, the philosophical underpinnings of European conceptions of the state, of personhood, and of human rights. In doing so, we move to understand cultural attitudes towards asylum seekers through European philosophers such as Rousseau and Kant. The second aspect, the legal aspect, will explain the manner through which the aforementioned philosophies are reflected through governance in each of the states. Finally, we will examine the demographic profiles of the refugees and perform an outcomes assessment based on the states treatment of refugees.

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