"Positive Influence Dominating Set Generation via a New Greedy Algorith" by Matthew Rink

Submission Date


Document Type



Computer Science


Akshaye Dhawan

Committee Member

April Kontostathis

Committee Member

Eric Gaus

Committee Member

Akshaye Dhawan

Department Chair

April Kontostathis

Project Description

Current algorithms in the Positive Influence Dominating Set (PIDS) problem domain are focused on a specific type of PIDS, the Total Positive Influence Dominating Set (TPIDS). We have developed an algorithm specifically targeted towards the non-total type of PIDS. In addition to our new algorithm, we adapted two existing TPIDS algorithms to generate PIDS. We ran simulations for all three algorithms, and our new algorithm consistently generates smaller PIDS than either existing algorithm, with our algorithm generating PIDS approximately 5% smaller than the better of the two existing algorithms.
