"Bringing Business Back to the Ballpark" by David Drea

Submission Date


Document Type



Business & Economics


Jennifer VanGilder

Committee Member

Rudolph Henkel

Department Chair

Scott Deacle

Project Description

This study uses ordinary least squares and quantile regressions to discover the determinants of total attendance for Major League Baseball teams. Furthermore, the study seeks to discover whether or not the average time length of a baseball game has any significant effect on total attendance. The data ranges from the year 2016 until 2018 and includes all thirty professional teams. The purpose of the quantile regression is to gain a deeper understanding of total attendance’s determinants and to see which distributions in the data are most affected. The results were that home runs are a significant stimulant in attendance and that average time length of a game does not significantly affect total attendance. These results indicate that the current remedies to address the attendance problem in Major League Baseball are insufficient.
