"Community Involvement XLP: Frederick Living" by Raechel Arnold

Community Involvement XLP: Frederick Living

Raechel Arnold, Ursinus College

Presented as part of the Ursinus College Celebration of Student Achievement (CoSA) held April 22, 2021.

The downloadable file is a poster presentation with audio commentary.


My name is Raechel Arnold, and I am a current junior at Ursinus College. I did my civic engagement XLP project with Frederick Living and this presentation documents my time with them. I started working with Frederick in September 2020 and my faculty mentor at Ursinus was Christian Rice and my community sponsor at Frederick Living was Trina Brady. Frederick Living is a place for seniors that provides residential living, personal care, rehabilitation services, memory support, and other health care services. I chose to work with Frederick Living because I love working with seniors and nursing communities. Frederick Living allowed me to be involved in the surrounding community beyond Ursinus College. Because the internship was remote due to COVID-19, I engaged with residents through bingo and music zoom calls and phone calls. I also made cheer cards and felt squares for the residents to help cheer them up. I got to work and communicate with other Ursinus students and learned so much from everyone I got to work with. Overall, this was an amazing experience and I am so thankful that I got this opportunity.