Surround Yourself With Flowers (Audio)
Julia Paiano
In this audio clip, accompanying a series of photographs and collages, the artist encourages the listener to "surround yourself with flowers." Presented as part of the 2023 Annual Student Exhibit in the Berman Museum of Art at Ursinus College.
Kakka Kulichal Kokkakumo (Can a Crow Take a Bath and Become a Crane?)
Mekha Varghese
In this short film, interspersed with family photographs, the artist pleats and wears a traditional saree. Part of a larger body of work that includes photographs. Presented as part of the 2023 Annual Student Exhibit in the Berman Museum of Art at Ursinus College.
"There's an old saying in Malayalam, the language of Kerala, India: 'Kakka kulichal kokkakumo?', which roughly translates to 'Can a crow take a bath and become a crane?'. This saying, rooted in the ideas of identity and self-acceptance, propels the work I create about my cultural heritage and family."