2022 Annual Student Art Exhibition Images



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Student Exhibition Year



Installation piece of a painted sheet featuring a ghostly figure holding an apple. The image of the figure is reflected in a mirror hanging opposite the sheet. Presented as part of the 2022 Annual Student Exhibit in the Berman Museum of Art at Ursinus College.

Artist Statement

This piece is about myself, but more specifically my relationship with food. Since the pandemic started, this topic is much more prominent among my peers. I tend to overthink foods, even if they are as “healthy” as an apple. When it’s time to eat, I tend to think of all the reasons why I should or should not eat something, and it feels like there is something there putting these negative thoughts in my head.

Rights Statement

Copyright of the underlying work is held by the artist. The digital image presented here is for educational purposes only and is not for commercial use.


student art exhibit, 2022, installation, painted sheet, mirror, apple
