"Drowned" by Millie Drury

2021 Annual Student Art Exhibition Images



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Student Exhibition Year



Photographic print with water and female forms. Presented as part of the 2021 Annual Student Exhibit in the Berman Museum of Art at Ursinus College.


49.5 x 11 inches

Artist Statement

Drowned: She dunked her head into the aquarium and counted to twenty like a competition with the water itself. But human lungs can only be held for so long before they have to inhale the blue or suffocate and die. Hands like icebergs – crevices and hidden layers – with fingers pointed like guns beneath peachy silver surfaces. Her hands cast the red purple blue shadows that hold her head down underneath the water.


Winner of the Berman Award for 2021, given by the Philip and Muriel Berman Museum of Art for artistic achievement in the Annual Student Exhibition.

Rights Statement

Copyright of the underlying work is held by the artist. The digital image presented here is for educational purposes only and is not for commercial use.


student art exhibit, 2021, photographic print, digital photography, water, women

