
Creation Date
64 page compilation of poems and images inspired by the long tradition of herbariums and botanical books, especially those published in Europe from the 17th Century onward.
Poems by: Diane Ackerman, Betty Adcock, Nathalie Anderson, Annie Boutelle, Rachel Blau DuPlessis, Daisy Fried, Celia Gilbert, Maxine Kumin, Heather McHugh, Constance Merritt, Alicia Ostriker, Susan Snively, Susan Stewart, Eleanor Wilner.
The lithographs were hand-pulled by Timothy P. Sheesley at Corridor Press, Otego, New York. The type, Monotype Dante, was cast at the Press and Letterfoundry of Michael and Winnifred Bixler, Skaneateles, New York, and printed by Arthur Larson, Horton Tank Graphics, Hadley Massachusetts. The papers are mould-made English Somerset book weight, Denril drafting vellum and Japanese Echizen Saiko. The calligraphy is by Suzanne Moore, Cleveland, Ohio. Barbara Blumenthal, Northampton, Massachusetts, hand-bound the edition.
Library copy is number 18 of an edition of 40. Autographed.
Wallingford, PA: The ELM Press
Rights This work is under copyright. Rights are held by the original creator(s). The image presented here is for educational purposes only.
hand lithography, drawing, layering, digital scanning, calligraphy, hand binding
translucent sheets, ink, lithograph plates, vellum, Italian cloth, Japanese paper
40 x 28 cm.
artists books, flowers, botany, poetry, lithographs, duotone, drawing, Photoshop, double leaves