"2020 in Six Words: Micro-Memoirs" by Carolyn Weigel, Ursinus College Staff et al.



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This exhibit highlights events in the lives of students, faculty and staff at Ursinus College during the year 2020. 2020 was a memorable year. There was a pandemic, protests for racial justice, and a presidential election. All were events that we will never forget. The six word micro-memoirs were written by Ursinus community members to preserve their feelings and to be shared with others. Names are used when permission was given, while others wished to remain anonymous. These submissions document the year 2020 and preserve a sense of how students, faculty, and staff experienced the year.

There were sixty-one submissions. Some are one line of six words. Others are poems made up of six words in each line. Several people submitted memoirs before the presidential election and then again after it was over.

You will find: frustration; Zoom; hugs; uncertainty; adaptability; technology; happiness; and disappointment – just to name a few.

Publication Date

Spring 2021


Ursinus College, Myrin Library, exhibit, coronavirus, COVID-19, memoirs


Archival Science | Library and Information Science

Rights Statement

This item is available courtesy of the Ursinus College archives. It is for educational purposes only and is not to be distributed for commercial use.

2020 in Six Words: Micro-Memoirs



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