The Mill at Anselma Oral History Project

Morgana Olbrich
Faculty Mentors
Susanna Throop and Johanna Mellis
This interview captures the life of former Mill at Anselma Chairman Charlie Jordan. Mr. Jordan not only describes his father’s involvement at the Mill in the late 1970s into the early 2000s, but also his own experiences on the Mill at Anselma Board of Trustees. He goes into detail about what it was like to be Chairman for two years and the biggest issues both he and the Mill have faced since he began his involvement in the late 1990s. The bulk of the interview centers around the second restoration of the Mill from the 1990s into the early 2000s and the decisions that were made and executed during that time. Near the end of the interview, Mr. Jordan provides insight into the importance of the Mill at Anselma and what his future hopes are for the historic site.
Interview Date
Interview Length
Chester Springs
Mill at Anselma, volunteering, non-profit, Board of Trustees, oral history, Chester Springs, gristmill, grain, milling, colonial era, executive director, chairmen, Pennsylvania, Chester County, West Pikeland county, local, feed mill, living history, 1700s, 1800s, 1900s, 2000s, historical site, united states history, historic preservation, conservation, politics, small organization, 18th century, 19th century, 20th century, 21st century, carpenter, French and Pickering Trust, water wheel, miller's house, fundraising, donations, Board meetings, conflict
Digital Humanities | Economic History | Historic Preservation and Conservation | Nonprofit Administration and Management | Oral History | Recreation, Parks and Tourism Administration | United States History
Rights Statement
This interview is available for educational use only. For other permissions, please contact the Mill at Anselma by email at Executive.Director@AnselmaMill.org or by phone at 610-827-1900.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.
Recommended Citation
Jordan, Charlie, "An Interview with Charlie Jordan" (2019). The Mill at Anselma Oral History Project. 7.
This interview was funded by the Abele Family Foundation and conducted at the Mill at Anselma.