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David E. Thompson, Ambassador to Mexico, Joaquin Bernardo Calvo, Minister of Costa Rica


The document is a carbon copy of a typed letter from the Assistant Secretary of State to David E. Thompson, informing the Ambassador that Joaquin Bernando Calvo, Minister of Costa Rica, will be visiting Mexico.


Francis Mairs Huntington-Wilson


David E. Thompson

Corresponds to:

Folder 1-8, Document 183


Washington, D.C.


August 28, 1909.

My dear Mr. Ambassador:

Mr. Joaquin Bernando Calvo, for many years Minister of Costa Rica at Washington, informs me that between the sixth and tenth of September he is to go to Mexico, there to spend perhaps two months accredited as Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary. Mr. Calvo has very cordial official and also personal relations with us in the Department, and I hope that during his sojourn in Mexico he may see much of you and the members of our Embassy. This will, I am sure, be a pleasure to you not only owing to his thorough knowledge of political affairs but also owing to his agreeable personal qualities.

In giving Mr. Calvo this letter I feel that since you yourself have met him no introduction is necessary.

With kind regards, I am, my dear Mr. Ambassador,

Yours sincerely,


The Honorable David E. Thompson,
American Ambassador,
Mexico City.



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Letter From Francis Mairs Huntington-Wilson to David E. Thompson, August 28, 1909



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