Ursinus Weekly Newspaper, 1902-1978
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Financial campaign fund shows steady progress • Musical company to appear here • F. & M. trounces Ursinus in annual grid battle • Men's Glee Club prepares for extensive schedule • Varsity to oppose Army in final game of season • Freshmen week is marked with elaborate program and unique regulations • Sophomores capture frosh president before banquet • Hotel Adelphia is scene of annual frosh banquet held Saturday night • Men's debating teams to be selected Thursday evening • Women debaters argue the Philippine question • Capital punishment is debated in men's club • Isabelle Johnson, '27, leads impressive YW service • Lloyd Enoch '27 leads informal YM discussion • Bear theme in 1926 Ruby which nears completion
Publication Date
Ursinus College
Collegeville, Pennsylvania
Ursinus College, Collegeville, Pennsylvania, newspaper, freshman customs, football, fund raising, YMCA, YWCA, debate team, Zwinglian Literary Society, Schaff Literary Society
This item is available courtesy of the Ursinus College Archives. It is not to be copied or distributed for commercial use.
Cultural History | Higher Education | Liberal Studies | Social History | United States History
Recommended Citation
Harman, Allen C. and Omwake, George Leslie, "The Ursinus Weekly, November 16, 1925" (1925). Ursinus Weekly Newspaper, 1902-1978. 1262.

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Cultural History Commons, Higher Education Commons, Liberal Studies Commons, Social History Commons, United States History Commons
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This is a digitized copy of the Ursinus Weekly, Volume 24, Number 10.
Allen C. Harman, editor-in-chief.