Faculty Baden Presentations

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Professor of Environmental Studies Patrick Hurley works to better understand the often unrecognized ways that social-political dimensions shape forest conservation interactions. This interactive tour and talk about the Ursinus Food Forest will explore Dr. Patrick Hurley’s very real Ursinus Quest: the effort to apply concepts of multifunctionality and food forestry to approximately two acres of previously farmed land at the Whittaker Environmental Research Station. The onsite engagement with students and the many species on site will introduce the diverse learning experiences that characterize the intergenerational commitment to transforming this place through the creation of a living-learning laboratory.
Publication Date
Document Type
food forest, sustainability, Whittaker Environmental Research Station, conservation planning, suburban biophilia gardens, medicinal gardens
Environmental Education | Environmental Monitoring | Environmental Studies | Food Security | Natural Resources and Conservation | Natural Resources Management and Policy | Social Justice | Sustainability
Recommended Citation
Hurley, Patrick T., "Fostering Cultural-Ecological Reconnections at the Ursinus Food Forest" (2022). Faculty Baden Presentations. 10.
Rights Statement
The contents of this presentation are for educational purposes only.

Open Access
Available to all.
Delivered as a faculty Baden presentation with an introduction by Dr. Mark Schneider, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Ursinus College.
The downloadable .m4V file has a run time of 44:10.